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Raising An end-time Army for JESUS CHRIST


To raise a great end-time army for the Lord Jesus Christ who will be ready to defend the Gospel at all times in preparation for his coming, Spirit-filled, Truthful and Fearless in Holiness.



  • You will discover your God given authority to stand in front-line of faith in Jesus Christ, to conquer every evil around you and beyond

  • You will learn how to use your God given authority and dominion to achieve fulfillment of destiny

  • You will learn how never to put yourself down again, but to arise in what God has given you and go on to do great exploit.

  • You will discover the limitless potential God has put within you

  • You will see the great impact, which the world is waiting for you to make on her.

  • You will rediscover yourself and see every challenging situation as a stepping stone to greater heights, then you will find joy again

  • When you are called home, you will be smiling with satisfaction, knowing your crown is waiting for you in heaven.

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